Delivering Better Patient Care with Virtual Reality

San Mateo Medical Center use of VR in underserved populations, with physician and patient testimonies.

In this video, produced by the California Health Care Foundation in partnership with the Center for Care Innovations Technology Lab, we hear from Dr. Michael Aratow, Chief Medical Information Officer. He uses HTC VIVE and AppliedVR devices to reduce pain in the ER for the underserved population at San Mateo Medical Center. While patients are using their processing power to focus on VR games, their pain can be greatly reduced, and doctors can focus on attending to their needs. Dr. Daniele Levy, Supervising Psychologist at San Mateo, uses VR to reduce anxiety and phobias through exposure therapy. Dr. Melissa Fledderjohann Director of Pain Management Clinic, finds VR to be a nonpharmalogical modality for managing patient’s pain. Elizabeth, a patient, reports reduced levels of pain acheived through her use of Firsthand VR content.

Date: 11/01/2019
Running Time: 4’21”
Producer: Center for Care Innovation (Provider)