188 VR Clinical Trials Are Currently Recruiting Patients!

The Challenges of Clinical Research: At VRforHealth, we support the advancement of clinical research about Virtual Reality as a therapy. Recruiting patients for clinical research trials in a timely fashion is always a challenge. This difficulty is compounded for VR trials by the low level of awareness of virtual reality as a therapy and additionally by the impact of the pandemic.

Reporting on Clinical Trials in the recruitment phase: To help remedy this, VRforHealth will be reporting on trials that are currently recruiting patients. We find these trials on ClinicalTrials.gov, a database of privately and publicly funded clinical studies conducted around the world. The site is currently listing over 300 000 trials in 210 countries, and we invite you to use their easy search function to look for specific trials involving VR.

Search Resuts on ClinicalTrials.gov As of May 4, 2020, ClinicalTrials.gov lists 188 Virtual Reality (VR) trials currently recruiting patients.

  • The 188 trials represent a total of 289 medical conditions including but not limited to pain, various mental disorders, anxiety, brain injuries, wounds, strokes, quality of life…
  • North America and Europe are leading in locations with 95 and 67 trials respectively.
  • 123 trials are recruiting adults over age 65. Seniors will indeed benefit from further information about their success with virtual reality.
    See the trials
  • 62 studies are recruiting children, defined as birth to 17.
    See the trials

The geographic locator of the Clinical Trials Portal makes it easy to search for trials in a particular location.

What is your area of research? Let us know what might interest you regarding Clinical Trials and VR. We’ll be pursuing the topic and happy to interview researchers.

Denise Silber