AI-PAMI Live Webinar Event: Virtual Reality as a Pain Management Tool

In the The Ageing and Integrative Pain Assessment and Management Initiative (AI-PAMI) Webinar, Dr. Doug Suffield, MA, presents his project which addresses non-opioid pain management. Dr. Suffield provides us with an in depth look into the research on virtual reality and pain. Please note the sequences as follows:
1’42” Introduction
2’39” What is Virtual Reality
5’14” Pain Neuroscience
9’29” Pain and VR
25’39” Recap
29’58” VR as a Fully Immersive Reality
34’44” What the Research Says: Can VR Help with Pain Management and Anxiety?
37’42” VR Safety
39’23” Q&A

Date first published: 01/03/2021
Running Time: 51’19”
Producer: University of Florida Emergency Medicine Research (Academic)