VR Therapy for PTSD and Anxiety: Dr. Barbara Rothbaum

Keith Kurlander and Will Van Derveer, founders of The Integrative Psychiatry Institute, host Dr. Barbara Rothbaum, PhD, on an episode of their podcast “Higher Practice”. The psychologists discuss virtual reality as therapeutic intervention for PTSD and phobias, treatment indications for VR, applications for sexual trauma, and what therapists need to know to get started with VR in their practice. Please note the sequences as follows:
1’00” What is VR
3’42” Applications for VR in Therapy
8’04” COVID-19’s Effect on VR and Teletherapy
11’10” VR for Trauma
31’46” Future Uses of VR
44’49” Implementing VR in your Practice

Date first published: 01/03/2021
Running Time: 47’49”
Producer: Integrative Psychiatry Institute (Academic)