Institutional Partner - 18Loop

« A propos de 18Loop »

18Loop est une association américaine à but non lucratif qui distribue des équipements de réalité virtuelle afin d’aider des enfants atteints de cancer de mieux tolérer leur traitement et de mieux vivre tout court.

18Loop deploys Virtual Reality (VR) technology to help kids with cancer tolerate treatment, recover and thrive. We are engaged in a Joint Experimental Intervention Research Study (JEIRS) with the American Childhood Cancer Organization (ACCO), the oldest and largest grassroots nonprofit to fight pediatric cancer. It is 18Loop's goal to provide every child diagnosed with cancer with a VR headset. Gaming, Virtual Stress Management and Multi-player communication will strengthen our kids in their fight against the disease. 91% of our kids report better mood with 18Loop VR. 18Loop is a US-based 501(c)(3) certified nonprofit organization.